Tuesday, May 8, 2007

What do you mean by writing group?

What type of writing group will this be?

Half Critique – Half Support

This will be an opportunity for everyone to receive feedback on their work but more than anything this will be a time to share and encourage others to write more and become better writers.

I know that sounds fluffy but as time goes on it will work itself out.

What you should bring?

* A piece or two of original work that you are proud of, really hate or are some place on the middle of those feelings.
* A few copies of the above.
* Whatever you need to take notes or jot down ideas. (if bar napkins are your style just bring a pen)
* Your drinking pants (or skirt) – this does include drinking at some point either during or after depending on the location.
* For the first meeting think about what your personal writing goals are.

There will be a quiz. (I’m kidding)

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