Thursday, May 24, 2007

Next Writing Group Meeting

Wednesday, May 30, 2007
5:30pm - 7:30pm
The Tracks

Monday, May 21, 2007

Friday, May 18, 2007

For Critique

I now know why writer's are holed up in the mountains, living in log cabin and eating rodents. Writing makes you crazy. Well here is a piece that I wrote in late January. I used to think I was ok with it but the more I look at it or think about it the less I like it. It's untitled.

The sound of your voice hurts
I’ve worried and cried
But gave up
I tried and tried
But gave up
The look on your face scares me
It’s grave
Sunken and painful to watch
Time has taken its toll
On your body and my soul
Life moves on without us
I know dreams don’t come true
And if hope really lived here
I could believe you would get better
And I wouldn’t try to convince myself
I haven’t given up

I may have talked to some of you about the last line and my inability to just make grammar work. I think I will post something else since this is so short.


Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Next Writing Group Meeting

I just took a look at the calendar and saw that there are 5 Wednesdays this month. So I think we will go with the next meeting being the 4th Wednesday, which is two weeks from today. Wednesday, May 23, 2007 @ 5:30pm. Location being The Tracks again. Hopefully, we can sit outside.

If you have your piece ready for critique you can post it to the blog. In the labels area put your name or moniker. You can also send it to me and I will post it.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

What do you mean by writing group?

What type of writing group will this be?

Half Critique – Half Support

This will be an opportunity for everyone to receive feedback on their work but more than anything this will be a time to share and encourage others to write more and become better writers.

I know that sounds fluffy but as time goes on it will work itself out.

What you should bring?

* A piece or two of original work that you are proud of, really hate or are some place on the middle of those feelings.
* A few copies of the above.
* Whatever you need to take notes or jot down ideas. (if bar napkins are your style just bring a pen)
* Your drinking pants (or skirt) – this does include drinking at some point either during or after depending on the location.
* For the first meeting think about what your personal writing goals are.

There will be a quiz. (I’m kidding)

The 1st post

Well I started this writing group a while ago and we are hit or miss about meeting but that is beside the point. I think we all find some enjoyment out of writing. I wanted to start this blog because I have been sending out links in email and thought that having everything in a central location would be awesome.

The things I hope this blog can become.

Information giving - So that we can all know when and where our next meeting will be.

A place to share writing - Either writing that you want critiqued or anything you would like to share.

Anything else we can think of - I travel the internet a lot and find tons of information about writing that I would like to share. As well as I come across others writing that people might find interest in.

So whatever this becomes I would like this to be a place where we can share freely and have fun.
